While disasters cannot be prevented, the impact on infrastructure and communities can be minimised. Geofabrics' goal is to protect assets, infrastructure, and lives through the use of geosynthetics, offering solutions that mitigate risk. This is accomplished by identifying potential threats and implementing preventative measures to reduce the effects of natural disasters.
Planning for flood events is critical when building bridges and infrastructure along rivers and waterways. Geofabrics recommends the Elcorock sand-filled container and AquaRockBag for proactive flood protection.
Slope stability and protection against landslides and rockfalls are becoming more critical due to increased rainfall. Water loading can significantly impact the stability of a slope. For slopes steeper than 70 degrees, gabions accommodate differential settlement. For reinforced slopes and mechanically stabilised earth walls, Maccaferri Terramesh modular systems offer a cost-effective solution, with faster installation and less rock fill compared to mass gravity gabion walls. Additionally, for slopes requiring vegetation, the front face of Maccaferri Green Terramesh can be filled with soil to support plant growth.
Coastal erosion is a significant problem in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific, with rising sea levels, extreme storms, and climate change having a major impact on shorelines. The challenge is to protect infrastructure and ensure people’s safety without causing negative environmental impacts. Geofabrics' coastal solutions are designed to reduce the effects of coastal and estuarine erosion while maintaining safety and amenity for the community.
How Geofabrics can help with disaster prevention and recovery:
- Provide proactive flood protection by diverting floodwater away from critical infrastructure or populated areas by creating channels
- Protect roads, buildings and other structures from instability of rock faces and rock falls by improving the surface stability of mild slopes
- Safeguard shorelines from coastal erosion and supports revegetation efforts