Biomac® Grasstrike™ provides erosion protection to the germinating seed from the impact of rain and wind. As Grasstrike is made from wool, it insulates and helps retain moisture which increases both the strike rate of the seed and the early growth rate. 

It is specifically used as matting in the front face of Maccaferri Green Terramesh units and wrap-around geogrid reinforced slope systems. It may also be used for erosion protection and grass establishment on gentle slopes.

Biomac Woolmulch product image


  • Provides insulation by keeping soil cool in summer and warm during cooler seasons to facilitate improved plant growth all-year round
  • Increases soil water retention
  • Biodegrades to provide plant nutrients during growth
  • 100% biodegradable matting, made from wool


Where Biomac Grasstrike is used as part of the Green Terramesh system, it is installed within the mesh front face prior to placement of compacted soil and engineered fill. Best results for grass establishment will be achieved if seed is applied to the topsoil layer alternatively the completed face may be hydroseeded.

Where Biomac Grasstrike is used for slope erosion protection, it should be installed over well prepared seedbed and firmly fixed in place to ensure good intimate contact with the soil. Watering should take place directly after installation which also helps gain good soil/fabric contact.